Dates and locations to be announced – Check out our Website at a later date
School Entry Events
Free information sessions for parents and guardians held late January or early
February each year. Topics discussed include: registering your child with special
needs for Kindergarten, steps to transitioning into school how to partner with
educators as a parent. Highlights: Family stories, sharing, questions and answers.
RDSP (Registered Disability Savings Plan) Sessions (evening and morning)
Learn about this one-of-a-kind plan for long-term savings and how the Canadian government assists with bonds and grants for those who are eligible. Great information for families as they plan for the future!
Dollars & Sense Seminars (evening and morning)
It is never too soon to think about Wills & Estate Planning. Learn about the importance of setting up a Discretionary/Henson Trust in your will. Find out about the Disability Tax Credit and much more.
My Home My Choice 2018-2019
Family stories and more abound during these events that include sharing, listening and
learning together. Learn more about supporting individuals with disabilities to live in their
own home setting whether an apartment, purchasing, renting and/or renovating within the
family home. There will be many ideas and info about steps for people planning to live
more independently from their family one day. Technology is playing more and more a part of people lives. Creative ideas from families around their use of technology, has already inspired many people and families who have attended these events. Excellent resources are provided.